;------------------------------------------------ ; Monitor esadecimale rilocato ad F000h con SP rilocato in ram prima di EC00 ; L'input è fatto tramite la tastiera alfanumerica, e l'output è sul video LX.388 ; NOTA: rispetto all'originale gli interrupt sono disabilitati .org 0f000h l8000: jp l81ab l8003: push hl push bc ld hl,0001h ld c,02h jr l8017 ; (11) l800c: push hl push bc ld hl,0006h ld c,04h jr l8017 ; (2) l8015: push hl push bc l8017: dec c l8018: dec l ld b,(hl) inc l ld (hl),b dec l dec c jr nz,l8018 ; (-8) ld (hl),a pop bc pop hl ret l8024: push hl ld hl,0001h jr l802b ; (1) l802a: push hl l802b: ld a,(hl) rlca rlca rlca rlca dec l or (hl) pop hl ret l8034: push af push hl push bc ld hl,0001h jr l803f ; (3) l803c: push af push hl push bc l803f: ld c,02h push af and 0f0h rrca rrca rrca rrca call l8015 pop af and 0fh call l8015 pop bc pop hl pop af ret l8055: push af push hl ld hl,0004h call l802a ld e,a inc l inc l call l802a ld d,a pop hl pop af ret ld a,11h l8069: push hl push bc ld hl,0008h ld c,08h l8070: dec l dec c ld (hl),a jr nz,l8070 ; (-5) pop bc pop hl ret l8078: push af push hl push bc ld hl,0006h ld a,d ld c,02h call l803c dec l dec l ld a,e call l803c pop bc pop hl pop af ret push hl ld hl,(0020h) jr l8095 ; (1) l8094: push hl l8095: push af l8096: call l80d6 dec hl ld a,h or l jr nz,l8096 ; (-8) pop af pop hl ret l80a1: call l80ec call l80aa cp 10h ret ;------------------------------------------------- ; ; Routine 80AA sostituita da input da tastiera ; l80aa: call 0fe80h ret ; l80aa: push bc ; push hl ; ; l80ac: ld hl,0456h ; ; l80af: in a,(0f0h) ; bit 7,a ; jr z,l80ac ; (-9) ; dec hl ; ld a,h ; or l ; jr nz,l80af ; (-11) ; ; l80ba: in a,(0f0h) ; bit 7,a ; jr nz,l80ba ; (-6) ; ld b,a ; ld hl,0005h ; call l8094 ; ; l80c7: in a,(0f0h) ; ld c,a ; and 7fh ; cp b ; jr nz,l80c7 ; (-8) ; bit 7,c ; jr nz,l80ac ; (-39) ; pop hl ; pop bc ; ret .org 0f0d6h l80d6: push af push de ld de,0047h l80db: dec de ld a,d or e jr nz,l80db ; (-5) pop de pop af ret l80e3: push hl ld hl,1388h call l8094 pop hl ret ;------------------------------------------------- ; ; Routine 80EC sostituita da output su video ; l80ec: call 0ff50h ret ; l80ec: push bc ; push de ; push hl ; push af ; ld bc,00f7h ; ld de,0007h ; ; l80f6: ld hl,l8187 ; ld a,(de) ; add a,l ; ld l,a ; ld a,(hl) ; out (c),a ; dec e ; dec c ; ld a,c ; cp 0efh ; jr nz,l80f6 ; (-16) ; pop af ; pop hl ; pop de ; pop bc ; ret .org 0f10bh l810b: inc sp inc sp cp 10h jr c,l8139 ; (40) cp 11h jp z,l81d4 cp 12h jp z,l8216 cp 14h jp z,l8296 cp 13h jp z,l82fb ;----------------------------------- cp 17h jp z,l8400 ;----------------------------------- cp 15h jp z,l830a cp 16h jp z,l835f cp 1fh jp z,l83bd l8139: dec sp dec sp ret l813c: ex de,hl call l8078 call l80ec ex de,hl ret l8145: push de ld de,0ad7h l8149: in a,(0efh) bit 3,a jr nz,l815c ; (13) dec de ld a,d or e jr nz,l8149 ; (-11) ld a,08h pop de inc sp inc sp jp l8338 l815c: ld a,c out (0eeh),a pop de ret l8161: in a,(0efh) bit 4,a jr z,l8161 ; (-6) and 07h jr z,l8170 ; (5) inc sp inc sp jp l8338 l8170: ld a,d out (0efh),a in a,(0eeh) ret l8176: .byte 0dfh, 0a4h ; caratteri A,F,B,C,D,E,L,H,1,S,P,1,P,C,00 l8178: .byte 00ah ;carattere 0A "A" .byte 00fh ;carattere 0F "F" .byte 00bh ;carattere 0B "b" .byte 00ch ;carattere 0C "C" .byte 00dh ;carattere 0d "d" .byte 00eh ;carattere 0E "E" .byte 016h ;carattere 16 "L" .byte 015h ;carattere 15 "H" .byte 001h ;carattere 1 "1" .byte 023h ;carattere 23 "S" ; .byte 005h ;carattere 5 "S" .byte 017h ;carattere 17 "P" .byte 001h ;carattere 1 "1" .byte 017h ;carattere 17 "P" .byte 00ch ;carattere 0C "C" .byte 000h ;non è un carattere ma il terminatore di questa tabella ;l8178: .byte 00ah, 00fh, 00bh, 00ch, 00dh, 00eh, 016h, 015h, 001h, 005h, 017h ; .byte 001h, 017h, 00ch, 000h ;Tabella caratteri display l8187: .byte 0c0h ;carattere 0 "0" .byte 0f9h ;carattere 1 "1" .byte 0a4h ;carattere 2 "2" .byte 0b0h ;carattere 3 "3" .byte 099h ;carattere 4 "4" .byte 092h ;carattere 5 "5" o "S" .byte 082h ;carattere 6 "6" .byte 0f8h ;carattere 7 "7" .byte 080h ;carattere 8 "8" .byte 090h ;carattere 9 "9" .byte 088h ;carattere 0A "A" .byte 083h ;carattere 0B "b" .byte 0c6h ;carattere 0C "C" .byte 0a1h ;carattere 0d "d" .byte 086h ;carattere 0E "E" .byte 08eh ;carattere 0F "F" .byte 0bfh ;carattere 10 "-" .byte 0ffh ;carattere 11 " " blank .byte 0abh ;carattere 12 "n" bassa .byte 09dh ;carattere 13 "u" alta .byte 0b6h ;carattere 14 "3" linee orizzontali" .byte 089h ;carattere 15 "H" .byte 0c7h ;carattere 16 "L" .byte 08ch ;carattere 17 "P" .byte 0a7h ;carattere 18 "c" bassa .byte 0c2h ;carattere 19 "G" .byte 0c8h ;carattere 1A "N" .byte 098h ;carattere 1B "q" .byte 0afh ;carattere 1C "r" .byte 087h ;carattere 1D "t" .byte 0c1h ;carattere 1E "U" .byte 0e3h ;carattere 1F "u" bassa .byte 0e1h ;carattere 20 "J" .byte 091h ;carattere 21 "Y" .byte 0ffh ;carattere 22 " " blank .byte 092h ;carattere 23 "S" ; .byte 0ffh ;carattere 23 " " blank ;l8187: .byte 0c0h, 0f9h, 0a4h, 0b0h, 099h, 092h, 082h, 0f8h, 080h, 090h, 088h, 083h, 0c6h ; .byte 0a1h, 086h, 08eh, 0bfh, 0ffh, 0abh, 09dh, 0b6h, 089h, 0c7h, 08ch, 0a7h, 0c2h ; .byte 0c8h, 098h, 0afh, 087h, 0c1h, 0e3h, 0e1h, 091h, 0ffh, 0ffh l81ab: ld hl,0000h ld (0022h),hl ;---------------------------------------- ROUTINE NUOVA ld h,0ebh ; cerca la locazione iniziale per lo SP prima di EC00 l81b3: ld a,(hl) cpl ld (hl),a cp (hl) jr z,l81bc dec h jr l81b3 l81bc: ld sp,hl ;---------------------------------------- ROUTINE ORIGINALE ; dec l ;l81b2: dec h ; ld a,(hl) ; cpl ; ld (hl),a ; cp (hl) ; jr nz,l81b2 ; (-7) ; cpl ; ld (hl),a ; inc hl ; ld sp,hl ;----------------------------------------- ld hl,0066h ld (0010h),hl ld a,0c3h ld (0038h),a ld (0066h),a ld hl,l82b9 ld (0039h),hl ld (0067h),hl l81d4: ld a,10h call l8069 ld hl,0007h ld (hl),012h l81de: call l80ec call l80aa call l810b cp 10h jr z,l81f0 ; (5) call l800c jr l81de ; (-18) l81f0: call l8055 ld a,(de) call l8034 l81f7: call l80ec call l80aa call l810b cp 10h jr z,l8209 ; (5) call l8003 jr l81f7 ; (-18) l8209: call l8055 call l8024 ld (de),a inc de call l8078 jr l81f0 ; (-38) l8216: ld a,10h call l8069 ld hl,0007h ld (hl),13h ld bc,0008h ld hl,l8178 l8226: ld a,(hl) or a jr z,l8216 ; (-20) dec a jr z,l824a ; (29) call l828d l8230: call l80ec call l80aa call l810b cp 10h jr z,l8242 ; (5) call l8003 jr l8230 ; (-18) l8242: call l8024 ld (bc),a l8246: inc hl inc bc jr l8226 ; (-36) l824a: inc hl call l828d inc hl inc bc ld a,(hl) ld (0005h),a ld a,(bc) push hl push bc ld hl,0003h ld c,02h call l803c pop bc pop hl l8261: call l80ec call l80aa call l810b cp 10h jr z,l827c ; (14) push hl push bc ld hl,0003h ld c,04h call l8015 pop bc pop hl jr l8261 ; (-27) l827c: call l8024 dec bc ld (bc),a push hl ld hl,0003h call l802a pop hl inc bc ld (bc),a jr l8246 ; (-71) l828d: ld a,(hl) ld (0006h),a ld a,(bc) call l8034 ret l8296: ld hl,(0010h) ld sp,hl ld hl,(0012h) push hl call l82a3 ;-------------------------------------------------------------- ; modifica per avere gli interrupt disabilitati di ; ei ;-------------------------------------------------------------- ret l82a3: ld hl,0008h ld a,03h l82a8: ld d,(hl) inc hl ld e,(hl) inc hl push de dec a jr nz,l82a8 ; (-8) ld e,(hl) inc hl ld d,(hl) push de pop hl pop de pop bc pop af ret l82b9: ld (000eh),hl ld (0008h),a push af pop hl ld (0009h),hl ld hl,000ah ld (hl),b inc l ld (hl),c inc l ld (hl),d inc l ld (hl),e pop hl ld (0012h),hl ld hl,0000h add hl,sp ld (0010h),hl ld a,10h call l8069 ld hl,0007h ld (hl),14h ld hl,(0012h) ex de,hl call l8078 ld a,(de) call l8034 l82ee: call l80ec call l80aa call l810b cp 10h jr nz,l82ee ; (-13) l82fb: ld hl,(0010h) ld sp,hl ld hl,(0012h) push hl call l82a3 out (0f8h),a retn l830a: ld c,14h ld b,05h call l838d call l80e3 call l80e3 ld hl,(0022h) ld de,0000h ld (0022h),de ld c,h call l8145 ld c,l call l8145 l8329: bit 2,d jr nz,l834f ; (34) ld c,(hl) call l8145 call l813c inc hl inc de jr l8329 ; (-15) l8338: push af push hl ld a,10h call l8069 ld hl,0007h ld (hl),0eh pop de call l8078 pop af ld (0000h),a call l80ec l834f: call l80e3 ld a,18h out (0efh),a call l80aa xor a out (0efh),a jp l8000 l835f: ld c,10h ld b,16h call l838d call l80e3 out (0efh),a call l8161 ld b,a call l8161 ld c,a ld hl,(0022h) add hl,bc ld bc,0000h ld (0022h),bc l837e: bit 2,b jr nz,l834f ; (-51) call l8161 ld (hl),a call l813c inc bc inc hl jr l837e ; (-15) l838d: ld a,18h out (0efh),a ld a,10h call l8069 ld hl,0007h ld (hl),18h ld hl,0001h ld (hl),b call l80ec dec hl ld (hl),0bh ld d,09h call l80aa cp 0bh jr z,l83b2 ; (4) ld (hl),0ah ld d,11h l83b2: ld a,c jr nz,l83b7 ; (2) sub 08h l83b7: out (0efh),a call l80ec ret l83bd: ld hl,0004h ld de,0033h xor a call l8069 l83c7: call l80a1 jr nz,l83ce ; (2) ld a,r l83ce: and 0fh inc e dec l ld (de),a ld (hl),11h jr nz,l83c7 ; (-16) l83d7: ld hl,0007h ld c,04h l83dc: call l80a1 jr z,l83e6 ; (5) call l8015 jr l83dc ; (-10) l83e6: ld hl,0003h ld de,0033h ld b,05h ld c,00h l83f0: ld a,c ld (0000h),a dec b jr z,l83d7 ; (-32) inc hl inc de ld a,(de) cp (hl) jr nz,l83f0 ; (-13) inc c jr l83f0 ; (-16) ;------------------------------------------------------ .org 0f400h l8400: .end